I like to suck on my hands a lot and once in a while I'll get my thumb in there and suck on it.
I'm talking a whole bunch!! My G-ma Wendy has recorded me several times and if she figures out a way . . . if it's possible . . . she wants to upload the recording so everyone can hear it. I heard her tell my mommy that sometimes if she's working on the computer she will listen to the recording cuz' it warms her heart!!! I think my G-ma Wendy really loves me.
I'm grabbing on to my bear blanket a lot, I like to hold on to things. My G-ma lets me hold on to her fingers when she's feeding me a bottle, I like this a lot.
One thing I do NOT like is when mommy or anyone else who is feeding me takes the bottle away and tries to burp me. I guess they need to do this so I don't get too much air in my belly, but I gotta tell you, it really makes me mad . . . . and I make sure to let everyone know that I am not happy about it AT ALL!!!!!
I love to be outside, I just stare at the trees and the sky. Sometimes my G-ma takes me out on the hammock with her and we just really enjoy that.
My neck is getting stronger and stronger and I'm holding my head up more and more.
A few weeks ago I went to the doctor for my check-up and to get my first shots. I did not like this very much, it hurt and I cried. My poor mommy was a mess after this, she called my G-ma in near tears . . . I think it might have traumatized her more than it did me!!! G-ma said she'd go with us the next time, for emotional support.
At 2 months I was 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 23 inches long.
Well, I think we might be caught up on all the new things in my life. My G-ma needs to get pictures of me fishing, laying on my play mat and a few others so she can upload them here.
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I can't leave without showing you a picture, so here is a cool one my G-ma Wendy did of me . . .

Until next time . . . .
Sugar Bear
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