5 weeks old

Here I am at 2 months old and although I was smiling at my Grandma a lot, every time she raised the camera I would stop smiling!!! But she did get this one photo of me as proof that I am smiling!!!
2 months old
Me and my little Bear Blankie that my
Aunt Chelsea got me - it's my favorite!!
Aunt Chelsea got me - it's my favorite!!

Here are a few interesting facts about me, at least my G-ma Wendy thinks so :)
Almost since I was born I've had an attraction to ceiling fans. My G-ma Wendy has one in her dining room and I love to stare at it. I also like bold stripes and plaid patterns and this dried flower arrangement that she has in her bedroom. My newest thing to look at is the red scarf that she has hanging over the lamp in her bedroom.
When I was younger and at my G-ma Wendy's I used to spend a lot of time in her bedroom, either sleeping, getting my diapers changed, being nursed by mommy, etc. Now that I'm getting older I spend more time in the living room where my G-ma Wendy has my swing, my play mat, that I'm starting to get really interested in and a small bed thing that can vibrate. Her cat Trouble has discovered the bed and seems to like it also . . . see below photos!!!!

For those of you who might worry about the cat getting into my bed . . . . he is afraid of me, not sure what I am, so he stays away from my things when I'm there.
Now her dog Hank is a different story, he loves to find me and give me kisses!!!!! And I must not mind too much because I don't react one way or another, I just let him kiss me. He also gets worried and starts whining if I'm fusing about something.
OK, that's enough for now, but more to come soon. Oh, and G-ma Wendy says if you don't want to receive e-mail updates about my blog, just let her know and she won't send them to you any more. Although she is crazy, nuts in love with me, she realizes that not everyone else is.
Sugar Bear
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