My name is Page Adrian . . . aka . . . (also known as) . . . . Sugar Bear . . . . Paigie Poo . . . Little Angel . . . . Boog-a-boo.
On May 9, 2009 I made my debut into this world. I showed my precious little face and the rest of me to the doctors, nurses, my mommy Jessi and my Grandma Wendy when I arrived at 4:51 am and I weighed 6 lbs, 9 oz and I was 19.5 inches long.
Here I am!!!

and got my "Baby Alarm" put on my ankle.

After getting checked out by the nurses my Grandma Wendy got to carry me to the nursery and there I got my temperature taken, oxygen levels checked, got weighed and measured and got my first salon treatment!!
Getting Weighed
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