Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ! ! ! !

Hello World,

Boy did I have a great Christmas. I got lots of new toys and clothes and books!!!!!

We had Christmas morning at Grandma Linda's and then we all went to Grandma Wendy's for dinner and to open more gifts.

It was great having both my grandma's, both my grandpa's, my aunts, uncles and mom and dad all there together.

Here are a few pictures of me as we opened gifts at Grandma Wendy's house.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!!!!

Sugar Bear!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Months Old Now

Hello World,

How fast times flies, or so says my grandma!!! I'm 7 months old now and I just started getting my two front bottom teeth!!!!

Grandma got so excited when she put her finger in my mouth so I could make funny noises(it's something I like to do) and she felt my first tooth coming in!!!! Then a week later she noticed the second one popping through my gums.

Getting these first 2 teeth hasn't been too bad, I've been chewing and slobbering a lot and maybe just a little fussy, but not a really big deal.

I've become and expert roller on the floor and I can do a 360 degree pivot on my belly real quick!!! But now they are really in trouble because it won't be long before they are running after me. They are already jogging after me because I've learned to "army crawl" and get to where I want to go, but usually it's toward stuff I'm not supposed to get or too close to the table legs or entertainment center and they are worried I'll bump my head or face on them, so they pull me away. Then I just have to try and get back to it again!!!! But this is really helping me to learn to crawl better. I've been getting on my hands and knees and rocking, but then I go back to the army crawl, but it won't be long before I figure out that all I have to do is move my hands and knees to crawl on them!!!!

Sometimes my grandma lays down with me at nap time. She promises my mommy that she won't do this too much for fear of it becoming a bad thing. I go to bed at nap & bedtime pretty good all by myself, so grandma doesn't want to mess that up. BUT, I do love it when my grandmas lays down with me. I like to hold on to her thumb and snuggle to her. And grandma, well I think she really likes it too.

Grandma tells my mommy that one reason she likes to lay down with me, is to watch me fall asleep. I guess I have a "routine" of things I do before going to sleep. I like to hold my grandmas finger, put it in my mouth and move it back and forth and make noises!!! Grandma used to do this for me, but now if she doesn't move her finger back and forth, I DO!!! Then I get to really talking for a bit, I also like to bend and straighten my left leg, slow but steady, I do all of this and then all the sudden I will close my eyes and go to sleep.

Grandma hasn't done official Christmas photos of me and mommy yet, but she's going to very soon. She did practice on me last week though. She bought me some cute Christmas stuff to wear and put down some really pretty ribbons and bows for me to play with. I wasn't very happy because I was kind of tired, so I didn't smile, but she still got some cute pictures of me.

I hope you like seeing these pictures!! Oh and my grandma forgot to post a picture or two of me from a challenge she was doing online. I was her model and got wear her cowgirl hat and pink bandanna for the pictures. So a couple of those are below my Christmas pictures.

Sugar Bear

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Faces :)

Hello World,

Well, my grandma's on a roll!!! Here are some more pictures she took of me yesterday.

Sugar Bear

These are of me in my Bounce Bounce Baby chair.
So many expressions!!!!!!

a little more serious
my grandma loves the last one of these
Beautiful Eyes!!!!

My Many Happy Faces

Hello World,

Well, Grandma Wendy had fun with me yesterday. She gave me rice cereal for lunch and I did real good eating it, although I got a little messy.

She got these great photos of me, messy face and all, and wanted to share them with you.

I hope they put a smile on your face too!!!! You can click on the photo and see a larger version of it :)

Sugar Bear

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Outfit & New High Chair

Hello World,

It's been a while since I wrote, but now I have new pictures to share with you all!!! I am 8 days away from being 6 months old. My mom and grandma just can't believe how fast the time has gone by and how big I am getting!!!

I've been rolling across the floor for a while now, I'm sure it won't be too long before I start doing the army crawl and then actually crawling. I've been practicing sitting up too. I'm still wobbly and fall over, but I'm working on it and getting better all the time. I also like to stand up with mom or my grandmas holding my hand. We've been practicing with me standing up and then sitting down and while I do it they say UP and then Down. I think my first official word is UP. I really have said it a few times!!!!!!

My grandma Wendy is always telling my mom that she just knows I'm trying to tell her stuff sometimes. I will look at her real serious and move my mouth in different ways. I really am trying to talk to her, but I just don't know how to say the words yet!!!!

Here are some pictures my grandma Wendy took tonight after dinner. A couple are of me in my new high chair that my grandpa Rick bought for me!!! The other are of me in my Bunny Halloween outfit. Then I got kinda of warm wearing it, so there one of me with nothing on . . . well, except for a diaper!!

Hope you enjoy see the new pictures of me. My grandma Wendy thinks I'm just the sweetest thing and she was real happy tonight because she actually got a picture of me smiling!!!! I usually get very serious when she gets the camera in front of her and it's been hard for her to get a picture with me smiling. I smile so much and even laugh a lot sometimes, like I was doing tonight, but for some reason when the cameras pointing at me, I get pretty serious.

I'll be 6 months old soon and grandma Wendy has plans to take more photos of me. I think she's got some special ideas planned and hopes they turn out really nice. I know she'll post them on here after we get them done.

Until next time . . .

Sugar Bear

My g-ma Wendy just LOVES this picture

Here's that smile she's been trying to capture!!!

My Bunny outfit that my grandma Linda got me :)

I'm just a born model . . . look at that pose!!
I'm not sure what kind of look this is??

Finally, they got me out of that warm outfit
I like being naked, or near naked!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Photos to Share

Hello World,

My G-ma Wendy has been a bit busy but she finally had time to take some more photos of me and we wanted to share them with you all.

I am growing soooo fast, my mom and g-ma Wendy just can't believe it. I'm talking and making noises like crazy. I started rolling over from my back to my belly when I was about 31/2-4 months old. I roll over ALL the time!!!! The only problem with it is that I only like being on my belly for a few minutes and then I start fussing/crying, so someone is always having to roll me back over!!!

I am just over 4 months old in the below photos.

Sugar Bear


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Me and Mommy Fishin'

Hello World,

My G-ma Wendy went fishin' with us tonight and finally got some pictures of me and mommy!!!

Me and mommy . . .
the great fisherwomen!!!!!

Kisses, always lots of kisses!!!!

Me in my stroller covered with the net
that keeps the bugs from getting me!!!

Well, that's it for today :)

Sugar Bear

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I rolled over today ! ! ! !

Hello World,

In 7 days I will be 3 months old, and I just couldn't wait to tell everyone that I rolled over today!!! It might have been a freak thing that I won't do again for a bit, but who knows.

My g-ma put me on my belly so mom could check out some angel wings she bought today for me to get my picture taken with. To my mom and g-ma's surprise I rolled over from my belly to my back!!!!! Mom and g-ma Wendy just looked at each other and got all excited!!! They put me on my belly again and I kept trying to roll over to the left but my arm was bent and my elbow was in the way and keeping me from going over.

Also wanted to share some pics of me on my play mat that I'm really enjoying and starting to reach up and hit the toys more and more.

There is also a picture of me wear a most beautiful headband that my Grandma Linda got for me at the street fair . . . . . I look so dang cute!!!!!

I do have blue eye's but in some of the below photos my g-ma Wendy brightened them up, but just a bit.

Me on my play mat

Close up of me on my play mat

My G-ma Wendy says that people will either love this photo
and think it's cool or they will not like it
and think it's kind of weird, scary looking.

Me again on my play mat

Me wearing the new headband
my Grandma Linda got for me!!!!!

My g-ma Wendy wants to know . . . . . . have you ever seen a cuter, more precious little girl? She doesn't think so ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sugar Bear

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Talking, Fishing and Growing

One thing I have been doing a lot of lately is . . . . going fishing with my mommy!!!! She just started fishing a month or so ago and she loves it and usually takes me with her. She has a really cool net thingy that goes over my stroller so no bugs can get me!! G-ma Wendy is going to go with us soon so she can take pictures of us fishing together!!

I like to suck on my hands a lot and once in a while I'll get my thumb in there and suck on it.

I'm talking a whole bunch!! My G-ma Wendy has recorded me several times and if she figures out a way . . . if it's possible . . . she wants to upload the recording so everyone can hear it. I heard her tell my mommy that sometimes if she's working on the computer she will listen to the recording cuz' it warms her heart!!! I think my G-ma Wendy really loves me.

I'm grabbing on to my bear blanket a lot, I like to hold on to things. My G-ma lets me hold on to her fingers when she's feeding me a bottle, I like this a lot.

One thing I do NOT like is when mommy or anyone else who is feeding me takes the bottle away and tries to burp me. I guess they need to do this so I don't get too much air in my belly, but I gotta tell you, it really makes me mad . . . . and I make sure to let everyone know that I am not happy about it AT ALL!!!!!

I love to be outside, I just stare at the trees and the sky. Sometimes my G-ma takes me out on the hammock with her and we just really enjoy that.

My neck is getting stronger and stronger and I'm holding my head up more and more.

A few weeks ago I went to the doctor for my check-up and to get my first shots. I did not like this very much, it hurt and I cried. My poor mommy was a mess after this, she called my G-ma in near tears . . . I think it might have traumatized her more than it did me!!! G-ma said she'd go with us the next time, for emotional support.

At 2 months I was 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 23 inches long.

Well, I think we might be caught up on all the new things in my life. My G-ma needs to get pictures of me fishing, laying on my play mat and a few others so she can upload them here.

If you want to receive automatic updates via e-mail notice, please fill out the form in the upper right hand corner and/or you can become a Follower.

Also, I'd love to get some feedback from all of you, so please think about leaving me a comment once in a while!!

I can't leave without showing you a picture, so here is a cool one my G-ma Wendy did of me . . .

Until next time . . . .

Sugar Bear

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Five weeks and 2 months

Here I am at 5 weeks old. Not in this photo but, my Grandma Wendy swears I was starting to smile at her every once in a while.

5 weeks old

Here I am at 2 months old and although I was smiling at my Grandma a lot, every time she raised the camera I would stop smiling!!! But she did get this one photo of me as proof that I am smiling!!!

2 months old

Me and my Uncle Richard - he loves to hold me!!

My feet - my Great Grandma says that my
Grandma Wendy has a "thing" about my feet!!!

Me and my little Bear Blankie that my
Aunt Chelsea got me
- it's my favorite!!

Here are a few interesting facts about me, at least my G-ma Wendy thinks so :)
Almost since I was born I've had an attraction to ceiling fans. My G-ma Wendy has one in her dining room and I love to stare at it. I also like bold stripes and plaid patterns and this dried flower arrangement that she has in her bedroom. My newest thing to look at is the red scarf that she has hanging over the lamp in her bedroom.

When I was younger and at my G-ma Wendy's I used to spend a lot of time in her bedroom, either sleeping, getting my diapers changed, being nursed by mommy, etc. Now that I'm getting older I spend more time in the living room where my G-ma Wendy has my swing, my play mat, that I'm starting to get really interested in and a small bed thing that can vibrate. Her cat Trouble has discovered the bed and seems to like it also . . . see below photos!!!!

For those of you who might worry about the cat getting into my bed . . . . he is afraid of me, not sure what I am, so he stays away from my things when I'm there.

Now her dog Hank is a different story, he loves to find me and give me kisses!!!!! And I must not mind too much because I don't react one way or another, I just let him kiss me. He also gets worried and starts whining if I'm fusing about something.

OK, that's enough for now, but more to come soon. Oh, and G-ma Wendy says if you don't want to receive e-mail updates about my blog, just let her know and she won't send them to you any more. Although she is crazy, nuts in love with me, she realizes that not everyone else is.

Sugar Bear

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Photos of me as I'm growing

Hello there,

In case you haven't realized, my Grandma Wendy is helping me with my blog. She has been a little busy lately, so she is sorry it's taken so long to update you all on my progress.

She is going to try to get up to date in the next couple of days with everything that's been going on with me. Then she will try to post about once a week to keep you all informed on all the new things I'm learning and doing.

Here I am at 1 week old

Here I am at 2 weeks old

And me at 3 weeks old

Grandma says to be patient, she will upload more tomorrow!!!

Sugar Bear