It's been a while since I wrote, but now I have new pictures to share with you all!!! I am 8 days away from being 6 months old. My mom and grandma just can't believe how fast the time has gone by and how big I am getting!!!
I've been rolling across the floor for a while now, I'm sure it won't be too long before I start doing the army crawl and then actually crawling. I've been practicing sitting up too. I'm still wobbly and fall over, but I'm working on it and getting better all the time. I also like to stand up with mom or my grandmas holding my hand. We've been practicing with me standing up and then sitting down and while I do it they say UP and then Down. I think my first official word is UP. I really have said it a few times!!!!!!
My grandma Wendy is always telling my mom that she just knows I'm trying to tell her stuff sometimes. I will look at her real serious and move my mouth in different ways. I really am trying to talk to her, but I just don't know how to say the words yet!!!!
Here are some pictures my grandma Wendy took tonight after dinner. A couple are of me in my new high chair that my grandpa Rick bought for me!!! The other are of me in my Bunny Halloween outfit. Then I got kinda of warm wearing it, so there one of me with nothing on . . . well, except for a diaper!!
Hope you enjoy see the new pictures of me. My grandma Wendy thinks I'm just the sweetest thing and she was real happy tonight because she actually got a picture of me smiling!!!! I usually get very serious when she gets the camera in front of her and it's been hard for her to get a picture with me smiling. I smile so much and even laugh a lot sometimes, like I was doing tonight, but for some reason when the cameras pointing at me, I get pretty serious.
I'll be 6 months old soon and grandma Wendy has plans to take more photos of me. I think she's got some special ideas planned and hopes they turn out really nice. I know she'll post them on here after we get them done.
Until next time . . .
Sugar Bear
My g-ma Wendy just LOVES this picture

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