Thursday, May 13, 2010

1 Year Old

Hello World,
On May 9, 2010 I turned 1 Year Old!!! Nanna says time sure flies!!!!
Here are some pictures of my birthday!!!
Sugar Bear

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Walking & Riding the 4 Wheeler

Hello World,

Here is a composite photo that nanna put together of me walking down the hall toward her, as she fired away with the camera.

Mommy took me for a ride on the 4 wheeler!!! We had a lot of fun and nanna came out and took some pictures of us.

I don't know the word crawl anymore . . . . I am so not into crawling anymore, not at all!!! I'm a big girl walker all the way!!!

My 1st birthday is coming up pretty soon . . . May 9th . . . and nanna says she's ordered me something that I'm going to love. Nanna also made me a little flower garden area in front of the deck. She planted wild flowers for me and we will take some photos to share with you once things start growing and blooming.

I LOVE going outside!!! I'm not to sure about how the grass feels, especially on my bare feet!!!! But I'm pretty good about it if I'm on a blanket or have my shoes on.

Well, that's about all for now.

Sugar Bear

Friday, April 9, 2010

11 Months Update

Hello World,

Today I am 11 months old, it's so hard to believe that I will be 1 year old in more month!!!!

At 10 months I started taking steps all by myself, at 10 1/2 months I was walking between 3-8 feet all by myself. Now at 11 months I am walking everywhere!!!! I don't crawl very much and if I do it's just a short distance to get to something I want or to an object to stand up and start walking again.

If I do fall down I can just stand myself up again without help from anyone or anything!!! I have a hard time walking when I'm tired though, I get a little wobbly and fall down more than usual.

My nanna doesn't have any recent pictures of me but she's been doing videos of me and as soon as she gets the right cord to hook up to the computer she will transfer the videos and share them with you all.

My mom and nanna say I am such a good and happy baby!!! I do laugh alot and I make a scrinkle face that just cracks my nanna up!!!!

I'm saying a lot of words, some of them once in a while and other all the time. Momma I say all the time, dog I say all the time. Sometimes I say Hank or Jack, those are the dogs!!! I still call the cat a dog. I say bye, sort-of. I do wave good-bye and hello. I say Hi and Hey and I occaisionally sneak a nanna in there but it sounds a little like momma, but it really is nanna!!! I have a grunt that I use for the word "more" and noise that sound like "uh oh" and that's said whenever I drop something. One word that really surprises my nanna and momma is "thank you" Yes, although it doesn't sound exactly like it I do say "thank you"!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot, I also hum and swing my body to music and sometimes I wave my hands in the air too. Nanna says I'm so damn cute that she could just eat me up!!!

I love to go outside but lately the weather has been so bad that me and nanna haven't been able to go outside for a while. She says that this summer we will spend a lot of time outside together. My mommy got some wild flower seeds from the bank and they are special and made for kids and say "My first Garden" on them so nanna is going to plant them special just for me :)

Well I think that's about it for now. Nanna hopes to get that cord for the computer in the near future and share the videos of me!!

Nanna just remembered she does have a picture of me!!! Actually it's a 4-generation picture of me, my mommy, my nanna and my G-ma (great grandma). See it below!!!!

Sugar Bear

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nanna's "Top Model"

My nanna thinks I look like a
vogue model in this one!!!

Here I am on the riding mower
with pappa (grandpa)!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Quick Photo Session Today !!!

Sugar Bear - almost 10 months old!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Super Cute!!!

Hello World,

My Nanna wanted to share these super cute pictures of me, that my mom took. And the one's of me and my mom that my dad took.

I'm starting to take steps all by myself!!! It may not be long before I'm walking!!!!

Pictures at 9 1/2 months old.

Sugar Bear

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Hello World,

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Sugar Bear

Thursday, February 11, 2010

9 Months Old

Hello World,

I am now 9 months old.

I have 2 bottom teeth, my four top front teeth and I'm working on both my eye teeth too!!!

I'm getting around really, really well and I'm pretty fast!!! I crawl over to almost anything and stand up and now I'm starting to walk around things, holding on to them.

I will also let go of stuff and just stand there, keeping my balance for several seconds and it gets longer and longer all the time :) I have even tried to take a step all by myself, but I'm still working on that.

My Gamma Wendy, thinks I might be walking in a month or so. I guess my mommy was walking pretty early, at around 9-10 months old!!! She can't wait until I can walk really good because right now I am totally wiping her out, cuz' she is constantly following me all around!!

I've been saying momma for a little while, I say Up, I can also say dog and I LOVE the dogs and the cats, which I also call a dog!! I've even said gamma and of course my Gamma Wendy is thrilled about that!!! If you heard it you might think I'm saying momma, but only if you haven't heard me say momma because there is no mistaking when I say momma!!!

My Gamma Wendy has been reading to me a lot and I especially like it when I'm tired, just before nap time. We only have a few books and my favorites are Tigger's Family & The Going to Bed Book. These are the little hard books, made for little one's like me, so I can't tear the pages or anything like that.

Oh and about a month ago my mommy had to trade in my "baby" car seat for a "bigger girl" car seat!! With my baby car seat, they'd take the whole thing out of the car, they would cover it with a blanket so the wind and other weather wouldn't get to me. Now they have to take me out of the car seat and carry me when we go somewhere. Now I finally know what it looks like to go from the car to my house or to my Gammas' house or to the store, etc. WOW, there is a whole big world out there that I never knew existed!!!

I have a real fascination for lights. All kinds of lights, ceiling lights, car lights, street lights, the lights in the car doors, etc.

I might be a little obsessed with playing patty cake. I usually grab my gamma's hands and start the clapping so she knows what I want to do. I guess I am even trying to do it now when she's feeding me a bottle, not an easy thing to do. Also, my gamma and mommy swear I said patty cake tonight!!

WOW, was I really this small once?!?!?!?

Sugar Bear

Monday, January 25, 2010

Warning - - - Really Cute Pictures!!!!

Hello World,

My grandma got the camera out when I was playing around in just my diaper for a little bit today. She says I'm a pretty cute chunk -a-chunk!!!!

Lot's of pictures, sorry but my grandma thinks they are all so cute!! What can I say . . . . she loves me!!!!!!!!!!!

Sugar Bear

I've turned into quite the camera ham!!!

Sucking on my finger

Look at all those rolls!!

Me Waving at the camera

Being Silly

Big Smile

Showing off my teeth

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

8 Months Old

Hello World,

I am just over 8 months old now and I have learned so much over the last month!!!!

I'm sitting up like a pro, all by myself. I do patty cake pretty darn good, I crawl to what ever I can and try to stand up and I've learned to fall back on my bottom when I'm done.

Me pulling myself up on things makes grandma crazy, she worries so much, because I have hit my head a few times and it wasn't pretty.

I say momma, but I think I told you that before and now I've said Dog a couple of times. I love the dogs and cats too!!!

I'm sure I'm forgetting something . . . mom and grandma cannot believe how fast I am growing and learing new things everyday!!

I am, as my grandma types, getting my two top front teeth and I've been a little miserable the last couple of days. My two bottom front teeth are all the way in and can really be seen when I smile. Check the the picture below and you can see them!!!

I'm pulling myself up and standing on anything I can get to!!
See the picture below for a play by play!!!
Grandma says I look like such a big girl standing next to the couch!!!

In this next picture I'm doing Patty Cake.
Grandma taught me how and I've been doing this
for about a month now and I love it.

This next picture is just me . . . . looking pretty !!
Well that's what my grandma said :)

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my latest pictures.
Sugar Bear