I am now 9 months old.
I have 2 bottom teeth, my four top front teeth and I'm working on both my eye teeth too!!!
I'm getting around really, really well and I'm pretty fast!!! I crawl over to almost anything and stand up and now I'm starting to walk around things, holding on to them.
I will also let go of stuff and just stand there, keeping my balance for several seconds and it gets longer and longer all the time :) I have even tried to take a step all by myself, but I'm still working on that.
My Gamma Wendy, thinks I might be walking in a month or so. I guess my mommy was walking pretty early, at around 9-10 months old!!! She can't wait until I can walk really good because right now I am totally wiping her out, cuz' she is constantly following me all around!!
I've been saying momma for a little while, I say Up, I can also say dog and I LOVE the dogs and the cats, which I also call a dog!! I've even said gamma and of course my Gamma Wendy is thrilled about that!!! If you heard it you might think I'm saying momma, but only if you haven't heard me say momma because there is no mistaking when I say momma!!!
My Gamma Wendy has been reading to me a lot and I especially like it when I'm tired, just before nap time. We only have a few books and my favorites are Tigger's Family & The Going to Bed Book. These are the little hard books, made for little one's like me, so I can't tear the pages or anything like that.
Oh and about a month ago my mommy had to trade in my "baby" car seat for a "bigger girl" car seat!! With my baby car seat, they'd take the whole thing out of the car, they would cover it with a blanket so the wind and other weather wouldn't get to me. Now they have to take me out of the car seat and carry me when we go somewhere. Now I finally know what it looks like to go from the car to my house or to my Gammas' house or to the store, etc. WOW, there is a whole big world out there that I never knew existed!!!
I have a real fascination for lights. All kinds of lights, ceiling lights, car lights, street lights, the lights in the car doors, etc.
I might be a little obsessed with playing patty cake. I usually grab my gamma's hands and start the clapping so she knows what I want to do. I guess I am even trying to do it now when she's feeding me a bottle, not an easy thing to do. Also, my gamma and mommy swear I said patty cake tonight!!
WOW, was I really this small once?!?!?!?

Sugar Bear
Oh Pickle Paige, what wonderful news about the words you are saying and that you are about to walk!
ReplyDeleteYou are getting so big! I can't wait to see you again in May.
Love, Auntie Melissa