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Hello World,
How fast times flies, or so says my grandma!!! I'm 7 months old now and I just started getting my two front bottom teeth!!!!
Grandma got so excited when she put her finger in my mouth so I could make funny noises(it's something I like to do) and she felt my first tooth coming in!!!! Then a week later she noticed the second one popping through my gums.
Getting these first 2 teeth hasn't been too bad, I've been chewing and slobbering a lot and maybe just a little fussy, but not a really big deal.
I've become and expert roller on the floor and I can do a 360 degree pivot on my belly real quick!!! But now they are really in trouble because it won't be long before they are running after me. They are already jogging after me because I've learned to "army crawl" and get to where I want to go, but usually it's toward stuff I'm not supposed to get or too close to the table legs or entertainment center and they are worried I'll bump my head or face on them, so they pull me away. Then I just have to try and get back to it again!!!! But this is really helping me to learn to crawl better. I've been getting on my hands and knees and rocking, but then I go back to the army crawl, but it won't be long before I figure out that all I have to do is move my hands and knees to crawl on them!!!!
Sometimes my grandma lays down with me at nap time. She promises my mommy that she won't do this too much for fear of it becoming a bad thing. I go to bed at nap & bedtime pretty good all by myself, so grandma doesn't want to mess that up. BUT, I do love it when my grandmas lays down with me. I like to hold on to her thumb and snuggle to her. And grandma, well I think she really likes it too.
Grandma tells my mommy that one reason she likes to lay down with me, is to watch me fall asleep. I guess I have a "routine" of things I do before going to sleep. I like to hold my grandmas finger, put it in my mouth and move it back and forth and make noises!!! Grandma used to do this for me, but now if she doesn't move her finger back and forth, I DO!!! Then I get to really talking for a bit, I also like to bend and straighten my left leg, slow but steady, I do all of this and then all the sudden I will close my eyes and go to sleep.
Grandma hasn't done official Christmas photos of me and mommy yet, but she's going to very soon. She did practice on me last week though. She bought me some cute Christmas stuff to wear and put down some really pretty ribbons and bows for me to play with. I wasn't very happy because I was kind of tired, so I didn't smile, but she still got some cute pictures of me.
I hope you like seeing these pictures!! Oh and my grandma forgot to post a picture or two of me from a challenge she was doing online. I was her model and got wear her cowgirl hat and pink bandanna for the pictures. So a couple of those are below my Christmas pictures.
Sugar Bear